One of my aims this year was to share more piano music. I write a lot of piano doodles, and my aim was to record and share one a month, with the aim of finishing off a couple of collections of music I’ve had on the go for a while. Then commissions and projects took over, and the piano pieces took a back seat.
Now the world seems to have been paused for a while. With other things on hold, it seems a perfect time to return to the piano works.
Spring Sun is a short piano piece, written about those first warm rays of spring sunshine. Written at the outset of the COVID-19 outbreak, it was inspired by sun filled morning spring walks, escaping from the world and returning to nature. It is about 2 minutes in length.
The attached recording was made by me last month. Please excuse the odd wrong note – quiet recording opportunities are few and far between when the whole family’s at home!