Some structural thoughts

Thank you for the interesting thoughts on my sharps and flats research. I am currently in the midst of the next phase: trying to work out why D major and minor (and D dorian?) are the most popular scales. Hopefully it won’t be too long until I share more of Read more…

Sharps and flats; Survey results

A brief introduction Musicians encounter key signatures constantly, yet it’s a staple of music that we rarely think much of, over and above the accidentals we must remember throughout the piece in question. We take them for granted, and each tend to gravitate towards certain keys in our various musicals Read more…

Questionnaire: Sharps or flats

After my previous blog post, I’ve had several discussions with people about their favourite keys and scales – and the differences between pieces when presented in different scales. I therefore thought it would be quite interesting to conduct a very simple questionnaire about keys, in order to find out people’s Read more…