Although my aim throughout my creative pact is to look at solo pieces, I’ve had a couple of texts floating about that I have been intending to set for some time. Over the last couple of days some ideas have appeared for those, so I’ve played around with them – though, sticking true to the creative pact vibe, I’ve been working on just the melody lines. Or trying to, at least – difficult when the harmonising lines seem to appear naturally! To contrast against these, I’ve also been playing around with bass lines, and have a couple of scribbles revolving around those too.

An important element of this month was to re-evaluate what’s important to me when it comes to the music I write, and to assess how I present myself as a composer when taking that into account. While expanding a couple of the scribbles it has been clearer than ever that I love handing part of the decision making process when it comes to precise articulation, dynamics and timings over to the performer. Sections seem to switch between highly metered and rhythmic to very free and relaxed, and it’s in these sections that I sometimes feel uneasy dictating the length. Bar lines often disappear, pauses appear, and rubato seems to be the word of the day. I’ve realised that neither my love of bizarre time signatures nor my willingness to hand over decisions to the performer are conveyed by my standard biography, so that’s something I’m working on at the moment.

As the end of the month approaches, it’s becoming more and more obvious that there won’t be any finished scribbles to share musically. However, I’ll show them all in some form. My aim will be to continue expanding them over the rest of the year alongside my other upcoming projects – and share them when they reach presentable forms.


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