Quangle Quadrille scores completed!

Today I took delivery of over 100 copies of Quangle Quadrille. They’ve now been shipped off to the choir, who have been diligently learning the piece since January.     Looking forward to the premiere coming up in June in Litton Cheney!

On compiling a text

The wonderful Caitlin Rowley wrote a few months ago about writing her own text for her piece Breadcrumbs. At the time I thought the concept of crafting my own text was very far off and difficult, and thought she was being very daring and creative. I’ve always played it rather Read more…

A Quangle adventure

My latest blog post for the Adopt a Composer project, A Quangle adventure, can be read here. I had a wonderful time at the Quangle Wangle Choir’s workshop. We’ve now narrowed down the theme of the piece, and are working on the text. More updates as the piece progresses..!